Kirby's Pool Service
Policies and Recommendations
All Service Tiers Include Kirby’s Pools Weekly 10-Point Cleaning Procedure
6. Add Necessary Sanitizing Chemicals (Chlorine Tablets Acid etc.)
7. Vacuum as needed
8. Backwash Filter as needed (every 6 weeks)
9. Clear skimmer basket of debris
10. Inspect pool equipment for proper functionality
Skim leaves off surface and bottom of pool
Empty Pump Baskets
Brush walls
Check Pool Chemistry for safe clear water
Brush Tile with Tile soap
Maintenance Chemicals
Muriatic Pool Acid, Liquid Chlorine, and Chlorinating Tablets are included in the price for All-Inclusive Service
For Basic Service: Chlorinating tablets can be provided by the homeowner or purchased from Kirby’s Pools the bucket and will be added by Kirby’s Pools technician.
Filter Cleanings and Maintenance
Filter cleanings are charged at $150.00 each time. Filters are cleaned 2-3 times per year, but that may vary depending on size. All-inclusive service includes 2 filters per year. Any additional filter cleanings will be billed at the going rate as stated previously.
The Pool Filter will be opened, and the filter grids will be rinsed off and inspected for broken frames, holes, rips and chemical deposits. Bad grids or broken parts will need to be replaced at this time. Filter Grids should be replaced every 2-4 years as a good maintenance practice. The O-rings will also be inspected and changed if needed (normally each time).
Homeowners will be responsible for the cost of parts replaced and purchased By Kirby’s Pools. If the cost of parts exceeds $100 the homeowner will be contacted to get an OK. If the Filter needs to be taken apart in order to replace broken grids, manifold or other parts the customer may need to pay for extra labor. At current Repair Rate. If a New customer cancels within 60 days of starting service and the filter was cleaned for free by Kirby’s Pools, the customer will be charged the full going rate of $150 for Labor
Salt System Pools
Salt, and acid will be added as necessary. For basic service salt bags and salt cell cleanings are billed separately. Salt is billed per bag. Price is subject to change. Salt cell cleanings are billed at $55.00 each time. Salt cells are usually serviced every 3 months to ensure proper functionality.
Algae Control
Algaecides, Shock and Phosphate remover can be added at an extra charge. To avoid extra charges, the pool water must be less than 5 years old, cyanuric acid levels under 100ppm, and TDS under 2500ppm. Also, the pool equipment needs to be working properly as well as running at least 8 hours per day. Heated pools promote fast algae growth as well, and you may be charged extra for algae control chemicals if you choose to heat the pool above 85 degrees.
Home owner's responsibilities
Pool Water must be maintained halfway up the tile line to ensure the pump is not damaged from running dry. During windy months, the skimmer may become clogged with debris, so homeowners should clear basket out in between visits so the pool can circulate properly, and the pool equipment is not damaged. Kirby’s Pools Inc. will not be held liable for damaged equipment due to low water level or clogged lines.
Proper Equipment Maintenance. It is very important to keep equipment in proper working order. Poorly maintained or outdated equipment makes it very difficult for us to keep your pool clean and clear. All faulty Equipment, Leaking Pumps and Filters, Old Water, Bad Grids. Etc. should be repaired in a timely manner. Kirby’s Pools Inc. Reserves the right to cancel or suspend service at any time if a customer’s equipment is not adequately working or in disrepair until equipment is brought up to standards. Our Repair staff is more than happy to help our customers fix or update their equipment (repair charges apply).
Access. Most of our customers give us a key, code, or clicker for the gate so that our pool cleaners and repair team can get in. We understand the importance of keeping your property secure and we will make sure the gates are closed behind us. Along with the pool cleaners visit each week we like to preform random quality control checks of our pools so that we
can ensure the pool is working properly and the pool cleaners are doing an exceptional job. If you are unable to give us a key, the pool must be accessible on the pool service day. Please remember this day can change from time to time without notice so
that’s why a key. works best.
If the pool is not accessible when we are there to clean the pool, we may not be able to return and a credit for missed service will not be given, but please give us a call if the gate was accidentally left closed etc. and we will do our best to send someone back if it’s possible.
Pool Covers. Pool Covers are great and serve a purpose but make it Very difficult for our service men to remove by themselves as well as take us time. So, if a homeowner decides to use a pool bubble cover or safety cover Kirby’s Pools will charge a fee to remove it and/or Replace it each week. $25 to $50 Per month depending on size.
Heating Your Pool. If the homeowner decides to Heat the pool with a gas heater or bubble cover, Kirby’s Pools May charge a fee for extra chemicals and algaecide as needed
Weather and Holiday Policies
Changing weather can be a real problem for pools and can be very annoying as well. We understand this, and will do the very best
we can when the weather does not cooperate.
Rain Policy
If it is raining when our service technician comes to service the pool that week, they will add chemicals and clear baskets, if needed, but no cleaning service will be performed that week. A tiny sprinkle? No Problem, but Rain and Showers make it very difficult to do a proper job on the pool. Credits or refunds for rain, can NOT be given and we will NOT have the opportunity to return to make it up that week.
Wind Policy
Understandably, Wind can be very challenging, but after a windstorm, we use a big net as well as a leaf vacuum and remove as much debris as we can, when strong winds have dirtied the pool. We will do the very best we can, but be patient, it may take a few weeks to get the pool looking good again.
We will try to spend up to 1hr Max per visit after a wind event. This is included for customers with All-Inclusive Service. There may be a windstorm/extra debris fee for those with Basic Service if extra time is needed.
We can make arrangements to service the pool twice a week for an extra charge during the windy season if you would like, just let us know in advance, and we can make arrangements.
Note: During Strong Winds at the time of service, It is very difficult to clean the pool properly, So our pool cleaners will clear baskets check chemicals and net service if possible. They may not spend much time because debris just blows right back in. We recommend homeowners clear out baskets during and after wind events a few times per day to insure proper water flow to the pump. We will not be returning until next week’s visit, and no credits will be given, but a second visit can be added for an additional charge.
Holiday Policy
Holidays observed include, but are not limited to, Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year’s Day, Independence Day, Labor Day and up to one week personal vacation. We attempt to stagger days but in some cases your pool may be missed consecutively. No credits will be given for these Holidays. We Will Perform a minimum service of cleaning baskets and adding chemicals for observed holidays. NOTE: Please let Us know in advance if you would like us to make special arrangements to clean the pool the week of a holiday, we will be happy to put it on the schedule if notified at least one week in advance.
Pool Service Days/Schedule
Pool Service cleaning days are scheduled by our management and determined by many factors, including map location, service technician, frequency, available access and proximity to current customers on existing route. The Service Day will mostly stay static on the same day, each week, but unforeseen issues can arise, and the service day may change without notice. If the normal pool service day is missed (besides rain or holiday), our service cleaners are advised to go the next day. If you believe the pool was missed, please give us a call within 24 hours and we will send someone out as soon as possible. (No Credits will be given if the office is not notified within 24 hours)
Thursdays and Fridays
We get many requests to service pools on Thursdays and Fridays because it is closer to the weekend. As you could imagine it is not possible for us service each customer who requests cleaning on these days. We do our best to accommodate the requests when a spot is available, and it fits on our route schedule.
If a spot is available and the property is out of our service area, or we need to bump another customer, to make it possible to service your pool on the requested day, we will charge an additional fee per month
Kirby’s Pools Inc. is always Growing
... and to provide the best possible service to its customers Kirby will need help. So, there will be other trained service technicians cleaning your pool other than Kirby himself.
Kirby is very particular who he hires, they must excel in proper pool service procedures and will be trained by Kirby until he believes they will provide the best quality pool care. The Pool cleaners will be rotated from time to time and you may not have the same person each week.
Don’t worry, Kirby and management will keep an eye out and make sure your pool is well taken care of. If you have any concerns, please call the office immediately and we will remedy any problems promptly.
All repairs will be performed by Kirby or a qualified pool repair technician. Some repairs and/or installations may differ in price depending on nature of job. Our Labor Rate is $150.00 per hour or Flat Rate Depending on Repair (Our Cleaning Service Technicians Can Not Preform Repairs or diagnose technical problems when they are there to clean the pool) but our service cleaners will alert management and/or the homeowner, if there is an emergency repair needed) All Repairs Must Be Scheduled and are Subject to a Fee. Repair Prices depend on different factors, so consider our hourly rate stated, only as a general idea. If a Repair is needed one of our Repair Technicians will need to come and inspect the pool and in most cases a repair charge will be incurred. We charge a $150.00 diagnosis fee for any Heater issue. Price is subject to change.
Repairs and Product Replacements Pre-authorization
Kirby’s Pools may replace or repair any broken basket, cleaner hose, or broken parts etc., if the cost does not exceed $100. The cost of the part or repair will be added to the next bill. If a repair or part replacement costs exceed the amount agreed upon we will get a customer’s OK over the phone or email first before we proceed.
Invoices are Sent out On the First day of the month Via E-Mail or (Snail Mail by Request), for the current months service. Payment is due No Later than the last day of the month for that current month’s service or by the due date stated on bill if different. If payment is not received by the due date, a 10% late fee will be added. Your prompt payment is very much appreciated.
It is our policy that we must have a credit card on file in the case of invoices not paid within 45 days of sent. This card can be saved on file for autopay for the monthly bill. See attached document.
Kirby’s Pools offers the following options for payment: Cash, Check, Venmo, PayPal, and Credit Cards through our online billing portal. Web payments are subject to a Convenience fee.
Mail all checks to PO BOX 12481 La Crescenta, CA 91214.
Venmo Username: @KirbysPools
To keep up with cost of living increases and rising cost of Chemicals, Labor etc. there may be a 3% to 5% increase on all service charges yearly, Although Kirby’s Pools Inc. reserves the right to adjust client rates at any time. Service prices are reevaluated every 6 months. You will be notified 15 days prior to any price increases